Support us

The Common Guild is a charitable, not-for-profit organisation, which means we rely on support from Creative Scotland, along with grants and donations from other organisations and individuals to realise our programme of exhibitions, projects and events. We work closely with artists from all over the world to bring their work to public in interesting and engaging ways. You can help us make great art and unique experiences happen.

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Ways you can donate

If you like what we do, please consider supporting our work by making a one-off donation, or becoming a regular Programme Supporter.  

Our regular Programme Supporters (£2,000 or more per year) receive artist signed copies of our publications.


The Common Guild is a Scottish Charity No. SCO21428,
registered in Scotland No 142622.

The Common Guild is supported by Creative Scotland.

With thanks to all those who have supported our programme –

The Ampersand Foundation

British Council Scotland

The High Commission of Canada

Culture Ireland

Alistair & Susan Duff

Elephant Trust

Flanders: State of the Art


Goethe Institut

Emma & Fred Goltz

Hope Scott Trust

Sigrid & Stephen Kirk

The Henry Moore Foundation


Pro Helvetia